We assist you by drafting formal agreements regarding child support, visitation schedules, and parental responsibilities, to minimise conflicts and prioritise the wellbeing of your children.

Children and Parenting Agreements Services

Parenting Agreements

We draft formal agreements regarding children, custody, visitation schedules, and parental responsibilities

Child Support Court Hearings

We can represent you in court on matters relating to child support and parenting agreements  

Child Support Letter

The experience to represent you to have appropriate child support arrangements in place through negotiating and drafting Child Support Agreements

How we support you with Children and Parenting Agreements

We draft formal agreements regarding child custody, visitation schedules, and parental responsibilities to minimise conflicts and prioritise the well-being of the children, including those with special needs.


Some of the services Lewis Family Lawyers can provide include: assistance with child support queries, parenting plans, parenting orders, family dispute resolution, child inclusive mediations, mediations, and advocating in family violence matters.

We help you understand your rights, navigate the legal system, and work towards achieving a parenting arrangement that is in the best interests of the child. Lewis Family Lawyers can also provide advice on negotiating parenting agreements, representing you in court hearings if needed, and ensuring that the child’s well-being is the top priority in any parenting dispute.